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Nathaniel Levin


International Student Department, Study programme "Dentistry", 3rd study year

Why do you want to candidate in RSU SU Council elections?

I'd like to be representative of my colleagues and their interest and make their voices heard in the best and closest possible way.
Personally, I assume, RSU, has done excellent work, to cope up with the Covid epidemic. RSU has successfully maintained the education quality at its highest level possible and has been flexible, adjustable and well prepared for and in different scenarios. 
However, the measures RSU has taken heretofore is a field full of potential and improvements from the students and my personal point of view.

One thing that should absolutely be introduced in our university?

One undesirable aspect of our daily life is here to stay, called Covid. That affects our practice skills as future dentists. I believe there are different and more effective teaching methods than the traditional way of preparing presentations.

Why people should vote FOR you!

I have several years of working experience in the fields of communication and leadership.