The Senate of Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) is the highest decision-making body of the university, which, as part of its composition, consists of students who represent the interests of all RSU students. The responsibility of student senators is to go deeper and understand the existing documentation of the university, as well as the duty to protect the rights of students in cooperation with the Student Union.
Student senators must not only know, but also be able to exercise this right appropriately. The senator must be responsible, self-critical, courageous and determined to achieve the set result. So far, student senators have worked with various types of decisions. They have been involved in discussions with other students and RSU management, as well as in various stages of document development, provided suggestions that would be binding to students. Student senators not only engage in discussions, but also achieve results, as, for example, the results of student senators took part on the renewal of study regulations I, II, II and internal rules in favor of students' interests. As a result of the revision of the tuition fee discount regulations and the promotion of reasoned proposals, a discount has been won for the graduates of RSU Red Cross Medical College continuing their studies at the higher education level. Students have the right to apply for a discount on tuition fees when returning from the ERASMUS + program. Students are the ones who shape the reputation of the university and the quality of studies, so we must also be involved in decisions that directly affect the interests of students.
Currently, student representatives in the Senate:
- Klāvs Putenis (Medicine faculty, 6th study year);
- Alise Antuanete Sniķere (Medicine faculty, 5th study year);
- Jānis Jurkāns (Medicine faculty, 4th study year);
- Zenons Beļskis (Medicine faculty, 5th study year);
- Luīze Monta Remese (Medicine faculty, 3rd study year);
- Sandis Bulduris (Medicine faculty, 3rd study year).