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How is the topic of the work chosen?

The faculty council approves the list of recommended final thesis topics and potential supervisors at least 9 months before the planned defense of the thesis, and informs the students about it.

Can I develop a dissertation on a topic of my choice?

Yes! The student has the right to offer a topic of his / her choice for development. The topic of your choice should be agreed with the department and the potential supervisor.

Who can be the thesis supervisor?

The supervisor can be a representative of RSU academic and scientific staff with a master's degree or education equivalent to a master's degree (eg, Doctor's degree).

Can a supervisor be a specialist in a field who is not employed at our university?

No, unfortunately, the supervisor can only be a representative of the RSU academic and scientific staff.

How is the topic of the work submitted? 

Not less than 7 months before the intended defense, the supervisor of the study program must submit a written application for the research with the supervisor's signature and justification of the topic topicality and scientific significance, define the research goals and objectives, hypothesis or research question and indicate the methods and sources used in the work as well to the necessary permits or be accompanied by them.

When will the deadline for submitting the final thesis be known?

The council of the respective faculty approves the applied work topics, work supervisors and also the submission deadlines not later than 6 months before the defense of the work.

Is it possible to equate previously developed research work with the final work?

Yes! Such a possibility does exist! If in previous years you have successfully participated in an international scientific conference and won an award, or your scientific publication has been published in one of the internationally cited journals in the field and is in a scientific database, then this achievement can be equated to a successful dissertation. The rules apply only to the first author of the work.

How is the alignment process going?

Go to RSU Student Service, where you should fill in the form to the head of the respective department with a request to equate the previously developed research work with the final work. Attach a copy of the conference award certificate or scientific publication. If possible, a copy of the conference thesis book can also be attached, but this is not a prerequisite.

Can participating in an international conference bring any additional benefits to the final work?

Yes! Starting from 2018/2019. confirmation of academic years of participation in an international conference gives an additional 1 point to the final evaluation of the final work, even if no prize has been won. This condition applies only to the first author of the work.

I have read, but there are still some thoughts and confusions...

Then, in case of any questions or uncertainties, you can contact us by writing to the Head of the Science Affairs of RSU SU at matiss[pnkts]pumpursatrsu[pnkts]lv or contact the representatives of your faculty!