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Almog Krispei

Ārvalstu studentu nodaļa 4. studiju gads

Why do you want to candidate in RSU SU Council elections?

I want to take active part in university matters and help as much as I can, In this position I’m sure I can help students in need, help with unfair decisions against students and more.
I’m sure I can represent my faculty in the best way and take care of any issues they have.
I’m a person who can’t stand injustice and unfair decision making and due to that I would like to be in the position that I can stand against it and try to make it as fair as I can for all people involved. Also I would like to understand the processes in the university better and meet different people with the motivation to help.

One thing that should absolutely be introduced in our university?

One of the things I want to introduce and and ask from the university is to add to the curriculum is class the explains students also teachers how to speak in-front of people, different methods to make the class more interesting by teaching them basic guidance techniques and also a workshop how to build better powerpoint and how to work with them.

What kind of a Union member will you be?

Very active and very positive with open mind, always listen and see all aspects of every decision or idea, fair and neutral in order to have the best outcome, with that stand behind things that I believe in and are imported for the people I represent.

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