Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital
In order to receive a permit to conduct research at SIA Riga East Clinical University Hospital, the following documents must be submitted to the Science Department:
- Appplication for conducting an academic research..
- Research protocol (including research title, authors, research goal, detailed section Materials and methods)
- Confidentiality statement.
- Patient information and consent form, if used.
- Copy of the ethics committee's permit.
It is recommended to first coordinate the application and research protocol with the Science Department by sending it by e-mail zinatne
aslimnica[pnkts]lv (zinatne[at]aslimnica[dot]lv).
The science part is located in room 220 of the inpatient "Gaiļezers" administrative building (opposite the education part), phone 67303179.
You can find more information about RAKUS research HERE