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Which type of a council member are you?

For you to have the opportunity to feel in the shoes of a member of the Council, we have created a test in which you can find out which type of Council member is most suitable for you - maybe you are a loud one? Maybe a active one? But maybe a little of each as you are an experienced one? These are just 3 of the possible options, if you want to know who you are, take the test!

Find out the results and apply for the RSU SU Council Elections to find out if the results match the truth!


What is your favourite way to procrastinate?
How will you prepare for a Council meeting?
Which is your favourite font?
Is water wet?
What do you expect from a Council meeting the most?
What trait makes a good candidate?
The glass of water is
What is your worst trait?
What kind of conversationalist are you?
What do you pay attention to in documents the most?
Do you know how to use SU office coffee machine?
How many pens do you have?
What type of student are you during online lessons?
Why are you usually late?
Why will you fill out the application form for Council?
Why will you fill out the application form for Council?
Why will you fill out the application form for Council?
Why will you fill out the application form for Council?
Why will you fill out the application form for Council?
Why will you fill out the application form for Council?
You are a Loud one

You are a "Loud one"!

As a council member you will have an opinion about everything and you will use every chance to say it out loud - both the good and bad comments. You will provide 101 questions for candidates and board members about the reports, will question everything that is unclear and find questions about things that no one else could imagine. You are very detail-oriented and appreciate a chance to have a debate in a council meeting.

You are Active

You are an "Active one"!

You are the perfect council member because you are aware of what it means to be one and are always there to help. You prefer the moment when the problem has been solved, not the process of solving it. You prepare for council meetings, as well as actively participate in them as much as you can!

You are Gossiper

You are a "Gossiper"!

You are the ears and mouth of the council, who gets to know all sorts of news first. You have a web of connections all through university and SU and you cannot wait for the break not only to devour pastries and cookies, but also to discuss the newest gossip and information with other board members!

You are a Quiet one

You are a"Quiet one"!

You can be described with the proverb “still waters run deep” - you are knowledgeable of the documents and pay attention to the discussions, and you always have ideas and comments, but you usually keep them to yourself. You either hope someone else speaks up in your place or you took too long to formulate the sentences in your head that you ran out of time. However, if someone directly asks you a question, you surprise them with your knowledge!

You are a Grammar Pro

You are a "Grammar Pro"!

As a council member there is nothing you love more than documents and board reports, or more precisely, whether they are grammatically correct. You cannot stand wrongly placed commas or “they are” written as “there”. Thanks to you, all the smallest details of documents are flawless!


You are the "Experienced one"!

You are a confident Council member - you know what you’re doing and what you want from it. You might have had some previous experience in the work of Council, or you’re just naturally talented, because the SU environment is a piece of cake for you. You’re capable of being in the right place at the right time, especially when a good joke is needed.

You are Indecisive

Tu esi "Neizlēmīgais"!

It's really hard for you to understand what others want, not even what you want. Before the council meeting, you may have reviewed the documents or you may not have done so. You are a part of everyone - you are a bit of a gossiper, a bit of an entertainer, a bit of a grammar guru. In turn, the recommendation is just for you - apply for the council elections, because you will know who you will be only when you become a member of the council