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On April 6 and 7 of this year, the annual RSU SU seminar "Mazpipari", popular with RSU students, was held, the emphasis of which was focused on teamwork and its essential importance in various life situations. This time, the main goal of the seminar was to give the participants the opportunity not only to test, but also to improve their abilities to cooperate in a team.


During two days, in a free and laughing atmosphere, with the help of various theoretical and practical activities, the participants had the opportunity to participate in different team compositions and test and develop their abilities to work with colleagues. Within the framework of the seminar, thought-out unifying activities were implemented. One of them was the task circuit, which consisted of stations where it was possible to fully display the sharp mind and ingenuity of each team. This was followed by a debate which not only challenged the team members to perform within a limited time, but also generated lively smiles and merry laughter among the rest of the participants. On the other hand, in the audience, the participants had the opportunity to present their already honed as well as newly acquired talents, adding a never-before-seen spark to the stage of this seminar.

To help the seminar participants understand what is essential to improve their cooperation skills and make themselves an even better team member, our fantastic guests and lecturers came to the rescue - the founder of the adventure organization "Lūzumpunkts" Māris Lazdiņš and the supervisor Sanita Zveja.

During the first day, Māris Lazdiņš shared his experience in how he managed to promote the growth of his company's team, as well as outlined what qualities and attitudes are necessary to be a good leader and be able to lead a team. Also, through exciting, practical tasks, he showed seminar participants the possibilities of how to promote effective, sustainable and fruitful work in a team.

On the other hand, on the morning of the second day, supervisor Sanita Zveja held an interactive lecture and a task about how, by listening to each other, we can find compromises and a golden middle ground to improve team cooperation.We would like to say a big thank you to the supporters of the seminar, without whom this project would not be possible: "WOOM Latvia", "Milzu", "", "Latgales piens", "Dabas auglis", "Jānis Sauka", "Jump Space", " POP HOUSE”.

Pictures from the event: