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In April for two weeks, from 02.04. until 12.04. the RSU SU project "Zaļš" took place. It held lectures and workshops that promote a more environmentally friendly and sustainable way of life, as well as inviting students to take care of their physical and mental health.

The project was opened by Jeļena Zemņicka from Latvia's Green Point. She gave an interesting lecture on sorting waste, reducing the quantity, and also talked about the hard truth - where a large part of waste from developed countries ends up. I’ll give a hint - it is sent to the less developed countries of Africa, where many people make a living from this waste, but many get sick from the toxic substances in it.

The first week was followed by two great workshops - making bottle bags on Wednesday and growing herbs on Friday.

The second week started with an exciting lecture on green energy from Toms Lācis and Liene Sanžerevska from "Elektrum". They talked about energy efficiency and the impact of everyday small choices on the "big picture", and also educated about what choices are friendlier to both nature and themselves. In addition, they also knew how to amuse and engage the audience. After the lecture, a tea bag making workshop took place, where delicacies from "Gardumuti", "Cannelle" bakery and packaging-free store "Zaļais kalns" were enjoyed.

The aim of the workshop was to draw attention to the fact that even such small everyday things as tea bags tend to contain plastic, which prevents them from biodegrading in nature.

Ralfs Upmanis, the founder and trainer of DCH studio, shared his rich knowledge. He gave his fascinating perspective on physical health and why we exercise in the first place, all complemented by interesting and entertaining stories of experiences.

During the project, two contests were held in which students could win a gift prepared by our sponsors.

Many thanks to every participant of lectures, workshops and contests, as well as to the organizers of the project! It wouldn't have been possible without you!

We would also like to say a big thank you to our sponsors: the gardening store "I.K. Ķirbīts" for the seeds and land for the herb workshop, "Gardu Muti" for the delicious drinks, "Marence" for the hand creams and dune soap, "Robert's Books" for the gift cards, "Nature gift" for lingonberry honey, "MyFitness" for gym coupons, "Spirulina Nord" for spirulina syrup, "Cannelle Bakery" for cheese-curd balls and "Krippu" crackers, "Žalais Kalns" for wasabi rice crisps.

Pictures are available on RSU SU's Flickr account: !