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On April 12th, the 6th Council meeting was held, where the faculty Councilor, student senator and LSA (Latvian Student Union) Councilor were elected.

At the beginning of the council meeting, Līva Vaivade, a second-year student of the Faculty of European Studies, gave her presentation and vision, and the Council supported her candidacy for the position of Head of Social Affairs of LSA. Līva mentioned as her main goals the renewal of one-time discounts for students on public transport in Riga, the improvement of student support mechanisms, as well as updating and solving problems related to the State Defence Service.

Sanija Grigorjeva, a first-year student, will represent the students in the Council of the Faculty of Public Health and Social Welfare. Sanija emphasized the improvement of communication between Councilors, students and Semester leaders.

Patrīcija Kleinberga, a first-year student of the Faculty of European Studies, has been elected as a Councilor of LSA. Patrīcija’s main goal in candidacy is the promotion of cooperation between the LSA Council and the Board.

Students in the Senate will continue to be represented by Klāvs Putenis, a fourth-year student of the Faculty of Medicine. Klāvs emphasized the representation of students' interests in connection with the joining of LSPA (Latvian Sports Pedagogy Academy) to RSU and to fight for closer involvement of students in the Council of RSU as his main goals.

We congratulate the newly elected and wish them strength, endurance, and enthusiasm!

At the end of the session, the monthly reports of the RSU SU and ISA board on the completed and started work were discussed, and the member of the month for March was announced - Emīlija Katrīna Liepiņa, a second-year student of the Faculty of Medicine. Congratulations and we wish you to continue working just as energetically!