The RSU Cardiology Students' Scientific Group, established in 2016, unites like-minded people with an in-depth interest in the field of cardiology. The group provides an opportunity to supplement theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills related to cardiovascular diseases, current issues of their diagnosis and treatment, as well as to listen to the opinions of outstanding specialists and engage in thematic discussions. Within the framework of the group, the involvement of students in science and development of research papers is promoted, as well as there is an opportunity to prove oneself in other activities.
Every month, the group holds a theoretical meeting on a sub-branch of cardiology or a group of diseases, where the members of the group present their topics and engage in discussions, which are valuable complemented by experienced cardiologists.
In the first successfully spent semester of the group, a high scientific quality of the presented works was achieved and extensive thematic discussions took place with the participation of experts. Thus, by participating in the group, senior students get an opportunity to get acquainted with current issues in the field, but younger colleagues learn to qualitatively and critically analyze modern scientific literature and practically apply the principles of evidence-based medicine.
Practical sessions are also organized, in which students have the opportunity to improve their skills in instrumental diagnostic methods of cardiology, as well as to get involved in solving simulated clinical situations. analyzing the latest scientific literature in accordance with the issues to be considered at each specific session, supplemented by the comments of experienced doctors - mentors.
The members of the group also have the opportunity to participate in practical sessions, which are organized with the aim to provide an opportunity to test themselves, applying knowledge in practice, as well as to acquire new skills in instrumental diagnostics and solving clinical situations.
In cooperation with the Scientific Group of Cardiology Students, the scientific activity of students is promoted by opening the opportunity to participate and speak at international scientific conferences, as well as other various opportunities and events are offered to prove oneself in the field of cardiology.
Up-to-date information about the group's meetings and other upcoming activities is regularly posted and updated on the group's Facebook page.
Contact information
Group email: kardiopulcins
gmail[pnkts]com (kardioszp[at]gmail[dot]com)
Leader of the group
Departament of Internal diseases
Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital, Latvian Oncology Center
Rīga, Hipokrāta street 4
Room: 2nd floor, administration, office manager's office
Phone: +37167042138
E-mail: anita[pnkts]laizanersu[pnkts]lv (anita[dot]laizane[at]rsu[dot]lv)