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The Neurology and Neurosurgery Interest Group provides the opportunity for students to gain an insight both into issues of neurology and neurosurgery and to get acquainted with professionals working in the sphere.  If you want to understand whether neurology or neurosurgery is your speciality of the future, start by joining the group!

The scientific group of neurology and neurosurgery students unites students whose passion is neuroscience. In the group, we discuss both acute surgical situations and complex neurological cases that require erudition and clinical thinking. Most of the sessions are theoretical, in which students make their own presentations on any of the current issues in neurology or neurosurgery. We organize theoretical sessions with a clinical orientation - we create presentations on various diagnostic and treatment methods and demonstrate clinical cases. In this way, students' skills in searching for scientific literature, summarizing the most important information, preparing presentations, speaking in front of an audience, as well as engaging in discussions, developing analytical thinking are trained. After the meeting, we place the demonstrated reports on the website, which is available to all RSU students.

In the practical sessions organized by the group, we examine various patients, examine clinical cases and learn patients' neurological examination. Each meeting of the group is attended by a specialist in the respective field, who is ready to engage in various discussions on the specific topic after the presentation of the reports prepared by the students.

One of the main goals of the group is to promote students' involvement in the development of scientific research. Participating in the group provides an opportunity to get involved in the development of a variety of works, and the main thing is not to be afraid and show initiative! Students' scientific groups are often the first step in testing their strengths in science and gaining experience in creating various works. Last year, the members of the group of neurology and neurosurgery were actively involved in the development of scientific works, developing interesting works, which were demonstrated not only at the annual RSU International Student Conference, but also outside Latvia - in Croatia, Serbia, etc. This year, the bar needs to be raised even higher, becoming more and more involved in the development of scientific research, developing the activities of the group and expanding its horizons. Every year we also take part in the debates organized by the RSU Student Self-Government, which is another opportunity to gain experience in science.

A special event in the life of the group of neurology and neurosurgery and all medical students is the annual Olympics Golden Hammer, where the winners receive not only academic benefits, but also the opportunity to attend educational events in Latvia or abroad.

Maybe you will be the next neuroscience guru? Don't stand aside and join the scientific group of neurology and neurosurgery students! This is your chance! Together we will succeed!

Contact information

Interest group leader

Evelīna Kočāne
Neiroloģijas un neiroķirurģijas SZP vadītāja
evelina.kocane [at]
neiroszp.rsu [at]


Departament of Neurology and Neurosurgery

P. Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital

Rīga, Pilsoņu street13

Room: 37. korpuss

Phone: +37167069579

E-mail: neuroatrsu[pnkts]lv (neuro[at]rsu[dot]lv)