The Physiology interest group unites students who want to deepen their knowledge of human physiology and look at the regulation of human homeostasis at different levels. The vision of the group is to promote the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of diseases by looking at the mechanisms of regulation of normal human physiology, creating a bridge between physiology as a basic medical discipline and clinical medicine.
By presenting topics of interest in theoretical sessions, the members of the group have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on the specific issue. The presentation is followed by a discussion in which everyone present can participate, while an experienced mentor provides comments and evaluation.
During the practical meetings of the group, its members get acquainted with various methods and devices for recording physiological parameters. A physiology olympiad is planned at the end of the study year.
Students are welcome to create scientific works in cooperation with the Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry, look for problems and follow the innovations in this field!
Contact information
Interest group leader
The Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry
RSU main building
Rīga, Dzirciema street16
Room: A-405
Phone: +37167061550
E-mail: cfbkbirojsrsu[pnkts]lv (cfbkbirojs[at]rsu[dot]lv)