The Surgery Interest Group has been operating since 1945, when it was founded and led by Professor Pauls Stradiņš. At present it unites senior and junior students of the study programme Medicine and other programmes that are related to health care who have a deep interest in surgical specialisation and who want to assert themselves in research work.
Our goal is to create an interest in surgery among students, to provide an additional opportunity to develop their practical skills and theoretical knowledge, as well as to promote the development of research activity.
Theoretical and practical sessions take place once a month, where individual work is carried out, presentations are made on a particular topic and a clinical case is demonstrated. Mentors are invited to the theoretical sessions of the group, who comment on the topics of presentations, share their practical experience and answer the students’ questions. At the end of the year research papers of gr.oup members are presented and basic practical skills are acquired
Every year the Department of Surgery holds the Golden Scalpel Student Olympiad, which all the members of the interest group take part in. The Olympiad is a multidisciplinary event consisting of theoretical and several practical parts, which aims at supporting students’ interest in surgery and providing an opportunity for students to test their knowledge, practical skills, resourcefulness and speed.
At the end of each academic year the most active members of the group receive a certificate of attendance, if they have attended at least 75% of all the sessions of the interest group; and the new head of the interest group is elected.
More detailed information about monthly sessions and other topical events are sent to members of the group by e-mail, as well as provided on the websites available to the interest group.
Contact info
Interest group leader
P. Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital
Rīga, Pilsoņu street 13
Room: 24. korpuss, III floor
Phone: +37167069745
E-mail: linda[pnkts]dzintarersu[pnkts]lv (linda[dot]dzintare[at]rsu[dot]lv)